The Victims Of The Global Power Struggle And The Creative Approach (2)

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Bu yazı 13/10/2022 tarihinde yayınlanmıştır.

*Doçent Dr. Güray ALPAR  / SDE Başkanı 


In our previous article of the same name, we dealt with US President Biden’s statements , where he  after defined China and Russia as rivals, he continued that he saw Russia as a closer threat to the West than China, and that the struggle with these states would be continued using a “creative approach”. We can define the meaning of the creative approach in terms of the USA as the ability to reveal innovative thoughts and ideas in the face of events and situations, that is, the ability to conclude the current situation in favor of the United States by making use of the differences between the countries in that region, without using the military power of the USA or using it very little.

In this article, we will talk about the countries that are considered to be used against China in the Asian continent, based on current events and documents. In this sense, just as Ukraine was thrown against Russia, this role seems to have been given to Taiwan in the fight against China. The visit of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, to Taiwan within the framework of Indo-Pacific contacts in August of this year can be evaluated in this context. Again in this sense, putting the world's second largest economic power with a population of almost 1.5 billion against Taiwan, which has a a population of 23 million and is 200 km away from the Chinese coast, is a creative process, just like putting Ukraine against Russia, where latter is considered as the second largest military power in the world. We can see it as an initiative. Besides, other countries are also considerd to be selected to be used against China, among which the most important are India, Japan and South Korea.

In this respect, Pelosi's Taiwan move can also be seen as a part of the Indo-Pacific Strategy that has already emerged.

Today, the term "Indo-Pacific" is used to prevent China's increasing political and economic influence, with more emphasis on India, and the concept of "Indo-Pacific" is gradually replacing the concept of "Asia-Pacific". The region is home to more than half of the world's population, 2/3 of the world's economy, and 7 of the most powerful armies in the world.

When the first “Indo-Pacific Strategy Document” of the USA was published in 2019, China was identified as the biggest enemy in this region and India was chosen to balance China (Indo-Pacific Strategy Report, 2019). By taking the lead against China, the USA has already given it the status of “Great Defense Partner” since the Obama era in 2016. Shortly after taking office, Biden published his “Interim National Security Strategy Document” where alongside India and Australia; Japan, South Korea and Taiwan were defined as allies. Again last year, on June 14, 2021, it was emphasized by the USA that they would be in a close cooperation with the countries in the Asia Pacific region against China. The USA renewed “Indo-Pacific Strategy Document” from February this year  made the status quo and future of the region more understandable (Indo-Pasific Strategy of the United States, 11 February 2022). Biden's statement of "The future of all of us and the world is shaped in the Indo-Pacific region," on the QUAD Leaders' Summit, which was formed between the USA, Japan, Australia and India on September 24, 2021 and is assumed to be the Indian-Pacific NATO, take its place in the preamble of the Pacific Strategy Paper

At this stage, it would be useful to synthesize the events before and after the Taiwan visit and the events highlighted in the "Indo-Pacific Strategy Document" of the USA. The key points highlighted in the strategy document are as follows:

- No region can be more important to the United States than the Indo-Pacific region.

- We cannot achieve our goals alone. We will achieve this together with our allies.

- We will develop measures in the Taiwan Strait.

- We will develop our Defense Partnership with India.

- We will meet with our Indo-Pacific and European partners, including AUKUS.

- We will make Japan a place of deterrence and superiority.

- We will strengthen expanded deterrence and coordination with South Korea.

On the other hand, similar events in Russia and in its surroundings (such as explosions in the Nord Stream pipelines passing through the Baltic Sea) also occur in countries around China. As an example to this, the crash of the military helicopter carrying General Bipin Rawat, the Chief of General Staff of India, who supplied the S-400 Air Defense Missile Systems from Russia in December 2021 can be taken where 13 people, including Rawat and his wife, lost their lives. Another important event is the assassination of Shinzo Abe, who holds the title of being the longest-serving prime minister in the history of Japan, in an environment of rearmament debates in Japan, just before the elections. The rearmament of Japan, especially in the nuclear field, was very important in maintaining the balance in this region against China. After the assassination of pro-armament Abe, the party he supported increased the game and the anti-armament parties had to keep silent for a while. As a result of the lifting of the restrictions, it is evaluated that the Japanese Army can turn into one of the strongest armies in the world, with a potential against Russia and China in the medium and long term.

However, despite South Korea, which is the 11th largest economy in the world in nominal terms and 13th in terms of purchasing power parity, has developed joint exercises with the USA, (just like India, who has strong economic relations with China) it is still not exactly clear on whose side they will be.

But if one thing is certain, when creative approaches are combined with perception management, they can imprison not only people but also countries in a fake world where everything loses its meaning, making them unable to think clearly, and even the smartest people become unable to speak in this created atmosphere.

For now, let's continue to monitor regional developments, hoping for peace and stability.

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